Now is the time: Be more. Fear less. Launching Nov. 11
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View as webpage, click here.
Join us at the Fearless launch event.
Nov. 11 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Register here.
Women have an innate ability to support, learn and empower one another through shared experiences and stories.

Every woman is at a different place on life's journey. She might be at the beginning of her story trying to discover her strengths and where to go next, or honing her craft with an eye toward a top leadership position, or leveraging decades of life's lessons and wisdom to lift up others.

Each of these women faces and overcomes a variety of fears as she navigates her own unique journey. What does it mean to be fearless? What does this look like for today's women?

Business Record’s women-focused newsletter Lift IOWA becomes ... Fearless. This new multi-platform, statewide initiative is designed to help women and the companies and allies who both value and support them.

We invite you to join us on the journey at an interactive launch event that will allow you to be inspired by and connect with a diverse cross-section of fearless women throughout the state and learn more about our new expanded initiative featuring a revamped e-newsletter, more in-depth reporting and new events.

Join us as we:
  • Hear and learn from personal stories from three women who have faced fears and overcome challenges in their own lives.
  • Connect in networking breakout sessions with a diverse cross-section of female leaders.
  • Share our plans to leverage Fearless and empower all women.
Be Fearless. Register today
Can't attend the event? Sign up to receive the free revamped newsletter on Nov. 16.

Already a Lift IOWA subscriber? No sweat. You're already set to receive Fearless.
Fearless is a Business Record initiative to empower both the women who want to succeed in work and in life and the companies and people who support them.

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