Are You a Cat Person or a Dog Person?


BY ROWENA CROSBIE, president, Tero International

The world is divided into dog people and cat people. No matter which team you support, check out this Tero Tips video for life lessons from cats and dogs.

Are You A Dog Or A Cat Person?

Are you a cat person or a dog person? We love and care for our felines and canines. How often have we paused to contemplate the life lessons they give us?

Dogs, well known for their loyalty, offer valuable lessons in building relationships. Whether attentively watching their owner’s every move or responding to verbal cues, dogs demonstrate a keen ability to listen and respond to the needs of others.

If we all listened and responded to the needs of others as attentively as our canine friends, we might also convey empathy, build trust and strengthen interpersonal connections.

Cats, often perceived as solitary creatures, also provide us with insightful lessons. Cats demonstrate the importance of setting boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others—a crucial aspect of healthy relationships. Whether swatting away an unwanted interaction or seeking affection on their own terms, cats assert their boundaries clearly and assertively. By respecting the boundaries of others and communicating our own boundaries effectively, we can cultivate mutual respect in relationships.

Cats and dogs both excel at nonverbal communication—an essential skill for building rapport and trust. Without the capacity for human language, through body language and vocalizations, they convey emotions, intentions and needs. By learning to pay attention to the nonverbal signals we send, we can improve our relationships with others.

The next time you are walking your dog or petting your cat, thank them for the valuable life lessons they provide in fostering meaningful connections and navigating interpersonal interactions.

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Rowena Crosbie

President, Tero International

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