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Description: Public data include a county-by-month panel of travel distances to the nearest U.S. abortion provider from January 2009 through October 2024. Researchers can apply for restricted data identifying abortion facilities.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


Map of Driving Distances in October 2023 Image: Map of county-level driving distances in October 2023

The Myers Abortion Facility Database identifies the names and addresses of all facilities—including private physician offices, hospitals, and freestanding clinics—that publicly advertised the provision of abortion services or are otherwise likely to be identifiable to a large fraction of women seeking an abortion. This database is not …


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Myers Abortion Facility Database (Restricted)

Documentation and application for the Myers Abortion Facility Database restricted use data. These data provide detailed information on the identities,...

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AbortionAbortion clinicsAbortion facilitiesAbortion providers

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