NCMIC Malpractice Insurance and Financial Services for Chiropractors and Naturopaths

We Take Care of Our Own

We were founded in 1946 by chiropractors who were unhappy with lackluster insurance options. We've retained that spirit, expanding to the naturopath profession and always doing the right thing for our doctors — even when it means paving the way.

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Helping our doctors do more

You're always committed to doing more for your patients' health and well-being. Which is why we're always committed to doing more for you.

Profession-specific expertise

When your practice and reputation are on the line, we have the expertise, the heart and the dedication to stand up for you and deliver.

Persistence and loyalty to our policyholders

If a concern becomes an issue, we'll work to prevent it from becoming a claim. And if it gets filed, we'll go to the wall for you.

We’re helping chiropractors and naturopaths grow and secure their businesses

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Glen Robison, DC
I was met with enthusiasm, reassurance and professionalism, which was a breath of fresh air.Glen Robison, DC
Charleston, SC

Championing our doctors' professions

We don't just support our doctors with policies. When your industry thrives, you thrive. That's why we give back to our doctors' professions by:

  • Funding research
  • Supporting state and national associations
  • Supplying a steady stream of complimentary resources
  • Supporting chiropractors and naturopaths with events, risk management seminars, webinars and more